定價策略Pricing Strategy
強調理論與實務並重,除介紹一些與訂價有關的經濟學與消費者行為理論外;重點將置於訂價策略的實務面 。
1.Thomas T. Nagle & Reed K. Holden, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
2.劉典嚴 訂價策略
1.Journal of Marketing
2.Journal of marketing Research
上課進度 |
週次 |
教學內容 |
下載PPT |
1 |
概論 (Effective Pricing Management) |
2 |
訂價的經濟面 (The Economics of Price Determination & The Economics of Information) |
3 |
訂價管理的行為面 (Behavioral Foundations For Pricing Management) |
4 |
訂價實務 (Pricing Practices That Endanger Profits) |
5 |
價格與價值顧客價值分析 (Price and Customers’ Perceptions of Value & Customer Value Analysis) |
6 |
成本於訂價策略扮演的角色 (The Role of Costs in Pricing Decisions) |
7 |
行銷獲利力訂價 (Marketing Profitability Analysis) |
8 |
經驗曲線訂價 (Experience Curve Pricing) |
9 |
期中考 |
10 |
產品生命週期訂價 (Pricing Over the Product Life Cycle) |
11 |
產品線訂價 (Product-line Pricing) |
12 |
價格結構 (Developing A Price Structure) |
13 |
中間商與訂價 (Pricing To and Through the Channel) |
14 |
拍賣及競標 (Auctions and Competitive Bidding) |
15 |
轉移訂價 (Pricing on the Internet) |
16 |
訂價決策架構 (Research Methods for Pricing Decisions) |
17 |
期末考 |